UCO Bank - Find more information on UCO Bank Service Branch Lucknow Branch in Lucknow located at Uco bank,jhandewalan park, aminabad,lucknow.


Gsi Aliganj Lucknow is located in Lucknow city, Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh . Contact details of Gsi Aliganj Lucknow is 2334102. MICR code of Gsi Aliganj Lucknow, Uco Bank is 226028024. The address of the branch is GSI ALIGANJ LUCKNOWLUCKNOW 226006, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 002024 represent branch code. IFSC

You can click on below branches to find out UCO Bank branch details of UCO Bank Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. You can also find bank branches, branch locations, bank contact info, IFSC codes, MICR codes, Swift codes of UCO Bank in Lucknow district of Uttar Pradesh Heading: IFSC Code UCO Bank Aliganj, City: Lucknow, Results: RTGS Code UCO Bank Aliganj, Involvements: MICR Code UCO Bank Aliganj Banks RTGS Code UCO Bank Aliganj near me with phone number, reviews and address. Check all UCO BANK bank branches in LUCKNOW, UTTAR PRADESH and also the $branch['bank_ifsc'] for all NEFT, RTGS, and ECS Transactions Uco Bank IFSC (INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM CODE) Code, MICR Code & SWIFT Code. IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) codes, MICR codes and SWIFT codes are playing vital roles in to transfers money between banks or account-holders in India. Uco Bank Aliganj Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (Branch Code 1843) IFSC code (UCBA0001843) for NEFT / RTGS / ECS, MICR code, branch code, BIC code, phone number, fax number, toll free number, email Id, address, timings, website details and map of branch location. uco bank, uttar pradesh, lucknow, lucknow, 15, hazratgaunjlucknow 226001 ifsc and micr code 2021-03-24 uco bank, uttar pradesh, lucknow, lucknow, 1/8a,vishwas khand, gomti nagar,lucknowup 226010 ifsc and micr code Find UCO BANK ALIGANJ LUCKNOW, UTTAR PRADESH MICR Code, UCO BANK ALIGANJ LUCKNOW IFSC Code, Branch Address for all UCO BANK Branches across ALIGANJ LUCKNOW… IFSC Code of UCO BANK is required for internet banking transaction.

Uco bank gsi aliganj lucknow

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Uco Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow Uttar Pradesh IFSC Code, MICR Code know all details for Uco Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh including full address, Phone number and more on india.com. Find IFSC code of Uco Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow branch in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Also, get the MICR and address details of the bank’s branch at PaisaBazaar. Gsi Aliganj Lucknow is located in Lucknow city, Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh . Contact details of Gsi Aliganj Lucknow is 2334102.

Ifsc Code: UCBA0002024 is for Uco Bank, Gsi Aliganj Lucknow , Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Use this ifsc code for IMPS, NEFT, RTGS, ECS Transactions. Full branch address of this bank is Gsi Aliganj Lucknowlucknow 226006

You may contact the branch or the Customer Care number of the bank information relating to your Uco Bank account. Gomti Nagar, Lucknow: UCBA0001654: Gsi Aliganj Lucknow: UCBA0002024: Hazratgaunj-lucknow: UCBA0000046: Home Guards Luknow, Lucknow: UCBA0001947: I T College, Lucknow: UCBA0000752: Indra Nagar, Lucknow: Select a different district from the dropdown to see more UCO Bank branches in … uco bank, uttar pradesh, lucknow, lucknow, 1/8a, viswas khandlucknow 226006 ifsc and micr code find banks uco bank branches, ifsc codes, micr, bank address and phone numbers - lucknow . uco bank branches in lucknow.


Uco bank gsi aliganj lucknow

Bank: UCO BANK Address: GSI ALIGANJ LUCKNOW LUCKNOW State: UTTAR PRADESH District: LUCKNOW (Click here for all the branches of "UCO BANK" in "LUCKNOW" District) Branch: GSI ALIGANJ LUCKNOW Contact: IFSC Code: UCBA0002024 (used for RTGS, IMPS and NEFT transactions) Branch Code: Last six characters of IFSC Code represent Branch code. MICR Code: 226028024 IFSC Code is required for all kind of internet banking transaction like NEFT or RTGS money transfer to an account in GSI ALIGANJ LUCKNOW from any other bank in India. Click on the IFSC Code or MICR Code to get more information about UCO BANK branches in UTTAR PRADESH. UCO BANK LUCKNOW IFSC Code:- UCBA0002024.

Aliganj Branch - Uco Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address. Uco Bank - Aliganj is located at Uttar Pradesh state, Lucknow district, Lucknow city and the bank branch's address is [Uco Bank, Aliganj Shopping Complex, Sector B, Aliganj, Lucknow].
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Also find UCO Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow Branch … MICR code of Gsi Aliganj Lucknow, Uco Bank is 226028024. The address of the branch is GSI ALIGANJ LUCKNOWLUCKNOW 226006, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 002024 represent branch code. IFSC UCBA0002024 Details.

UCBA0002024 is IFSC code of UCO Bank, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. IFSC Code is used for fund transfer in India using NEFT and RTGS UCO BANK Hazratgaunj lucknow IFSC Code, IFSC Code of UCO BANK Hazratgaunj lucknow, LUCKNOW, UTTAR PRADESH is UCBA0000046, bank IFSC code of all banks in india, MICR code of banks, for NEFT, RTGS, ECS, search ifsc bank code.
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Last six characters: The last 6 characters are used to identify the branch. '002024' is the 'GSI ALIGANJ LUCKNOW' branch of "UCO Bank". Understanding the MICR code The MICR code is an older code that was introduced in the early 1980's to simplify fund transfer via checks or Demand Drafts (DD).

In IFSC code UCBA0002024, first 4 letters UCBA are used to identify the bank name of Uco Bank. Uco Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow Uttar Pradesh IFSC Code, MICR Code know all details for Uco Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh including full address, Phone number and more on india.com. The branch address of UCO Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow is: gsi aliganj lucknow, uttar pradesh. The phone number for the Gsi Aliganj Lucknow branch is 0522-2334102 and the email address is [email protected] The timings of UCO Bank Gsi Aliganj Lucknow branch: 10 AM - 4 PM (Monday - Saturday) except second and fourth Saturdays as they are bank holidays. Aliganj Branch - Uco Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address. Uco Bank - Aliganj is located at Uttar Pradesh state, Lucknow district, Lucknow city and the bank branch's address is [Uco Bank, Aliganj Shopping Complex, Sector B, Aliganj, Lucknow]. Contact phone number / numbers - 0522-2327147.